Artigos Publicados na Academia
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
October 2017
Banff, AB, Canadá
Emergency situations are unpredictable and happen in many ways around the world. Natural disasters or similar events of major proportions require governmental intervention. In order to do so, the public administration must keep resources ready to attend these events. In this work, we propose a framework to analyze economic factor that may influence the government supply chain. We evaluate the proposed framework, analyzing medical supplies in the Brazilian Navy, focusing in the surgical gloves — a representative supply. In our analysis we found out that Price Registration bids tend to be the most effective policy in economic crisis scenarios.
Revista Marítima Brasileira(RMB)
Setembro 2024, Volume 144
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Abstract—To start or maintain several of its activities, the
Public Administration needs several types of supplies, such as
food and office supplies, acquired from the private sector
through various legal forms permitted by Law 14133/21
(formerly 8.666/93) of processes called Government
Purchases, according to the aforementioned bidding processes
(VASCONCELOS, 2005). In addition to the fact that financial
resources are not infinite, forcing the Administration to
establish a prioritization criterion, time can be a powerful
enemy and even make it impossible to normalize the stock of a
hospital emergency room, for example. Therefore, any
alternative that aims to mitigate the influence of time on a
bidding process is welcome. This article aims to present a
different path, proposing the search for patterns that can
represent the consumption behavior of uniforms, of a given
organization, leading to the elaboration of the demand forecast
based on patterns and, thus, reducing the number of bids, since
it is a costly process.
Simpósio de Gestão de Conhecimento da MB
Novembro 2024
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
A gestão da Política de Segurança Pública consiste de decisões que visam estabelecer a Paz Social por meio da
definição de objetivos e estratégias de atuação e de alocação dos recursos públicos. Dessa forma, qualquer iniciativa
que possibilite melhoria dos objetivos e das estratégias, já estará contribuindo bastante para a melhor utilização de
recursos públicos, atendendo ao bem comum, como também tornando a Política mais eficiente e eficaz. Assim,
neste trabalho, o objetivo foi construir um modelo de previsão que pudesse agrupar as diversas regiões do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro, relacionando e/ou identificando os tipos de crimes mais incidentes possibilitando uma tomada de
decisão mais inteligente e que visem, de fato, o combate à criminalidade.
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